AUGUST 16, 2024 3:30 PM ET

Education & Beyond-Stockroom Management 101: Best Practices / Do's and Dont's

Sponsored by: Thomas Scientific
  • Andrew Daress

    Bio: Andrew Darress is Thomas Scientific's Director of Education and he manages the university market for Thomas Scientific across the US. Andrew is finishing up his Master's in Management from Harvard Extension School, and he holds a Bachelor's of Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of Colorado-Boulder. In his 4 years with Thomas Scientific, Andrew has helped to support numerous stockrooms across the nation helping several of them stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Properly managing a stockroom is vital to the success of the research on your campus. The ever changing nature of technology coupled with volatile supply chains have impacted how stockrooms operate. This webinar will highlight the major changes in stockroom management and best practices from a survey of multiple stockrooms at major research institutions. 

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