SEP 12, 2023 8:10 AM PDT

Adapting TMT and EasyPep Sample Preparation Reagents for High-Throughput, Automated Workflows



The multiplexing capability of tandem mass tags (TMT) has driven quantitative proteomic experimental designs towards larger numbers of samples. In order to efficiently process hundreds to thousands of samples, automated liquid handling platforms using standardized microwell plates are commonly employed to increase throughput and reproducibility. In this session, we will demonstrate rapid, efficient processing of low microgram amounts of cell and tissue samples using the Thermo Scientific™ EasyPep™ 96 Micro MS sample preparation kit in combination with multiplexed labeling using novel, solution-stabilized TMT™ and TMTpro reagents in ready-to-use 96-well microplates that are compatible with automated liquid handling platforms.

TMT and Tandem Mass Tag are trademarks of Proteome Sciences.

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