AUG 05, 2021 2:00 PM PDT

How to Build a Better Lab Culture through Mentoring The Legacy of Lab Culture

Presented at: Beckman Symposium
  • Jeffrey S. Moore, PhD

    Beckman Institute Director, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Stanley O. Ikenberry Endowed Chair Professor, Departments of Chemistry & Materials Science and Engineering HHMI Professor
  • Jennifer M. Heemstra, PhD

    Associate Professor Director of Faculty Recruiting & Development Department of Chemistry Emory University


Every lab has a culture. The real question is whether it is a healthy culture that supports each individual and helps them to perform at their best. As we start our independent careers and think about our mentoring style and the lab culture we want to create, we naturally draw from our own experiences as graduate students and postdocs. Thus, we are influenced by the actions of our mentors and we have the potential to influence future generations of scientists through our actions now. Establishing and maintaining a positive lab culture and mentoring practices doesn’t have to be overly complicated, but it does take intentionality and communication. In this workshop, we will share how we have taken inspiration from our own mentors while also seeking to continuously evolve and improve throughout our careers. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the mentoring practices and culture they have inherited from their own mentors, decide which aspects they want to keep or leave behind, and develop practical strategies for achieving their desired lab culture.

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