MAY 13, 2015 12:00 PM PDT

DNASTAR Software For Accurate Variant Detection and Validation in Targeted Gene Panel Data Sets



DNASTAR offers an integrated suite of software for accurate assembly and analysis of sequence data from all major next-generation sequencing platforms supporting key workflows including targeting resequencing. The efficiency of variant detection in gene panels is determined by multiple factors, including specificity of primers and probes used for gene panel design, efficiency of the sequencing technology, accuracy of assembly, accuracy of variant calling, and stringency of variant filters. The DNASTAR gene panel workflow supports all gene panel sets from Illumina and Ion Torrent as well as custom gene panel data sets. When this data is used in conjunction with a validated variant data set, DNASTAR software can calculate variant calling sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. By utilizing this workflow, users can validate their entire gene panel assembly and analysis process and the speed and accuracy of DNASTAR software. Two learning objectives are: 1. Understand the importance of validation control for next-gen sequencing data 2. Learn how an integrated software package can facilitate easy assembly, visualization, and analysis of NGS data

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MAY 13, 2015 12:00 PM PDT

DNASTAR Software For Accurate Variant Detection and Validation in Targeted Gene Panel Data Sets

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