Head of the Laboratory Medicine Care Pole, Assistant Director of the Haematopoietic Stem Cells Bank, Board Member (and former President) of the Belgian Society for Advancement of Cytometry
Dr. Anne Kornreich will discuss her career journey in laboratory medicine that began with hematology and progressed to a leadership role through additional training and education. From her present position as the head of laboratory medicine of an 1,100-bed, private hospital, she shares how she has guided and represented the laboratory function while collaborating with the rest of the hospital system as a member of its strategic committee. Dr. Kornreich will also provide a brief overview of the Belgian healthcare system and share insights into current healthcare trends and their impact on the laboratory.
Learning objectives:
Describe the transformation of a laboratory career from a clinical to administrative role
Characterize the key qualities and training needed to progress to laboratory manager
Explain how the laboratory can play a key role in driving strategic direction through greater laboratory and hospital system collaboration
Review current challenges and trends in healthcare and how they impact the clinical laboratory
Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event.
To-date, proteomic analysis has been severely limited in scale and resolution. Analyzing protein samples using an intact, single-molecule approach holds th...
Routine coagulation assays are widely performed in laboratories and provide valuable information to the patient’s overall clinical picture. It’s important for laboratorians to kn...
Quality efforts in the clinical laboratory are always under the microscope- a hyper-focus for laboratorians from start to finish. Recognizing the external factors that affect hemostasis test...
De novo gene synthesis and protein expression are established technologies that can give access to nearly any target DNA or protein sequence, allowing for engineering of biologics. In this p...