OCT 08, 2020 6:00 PM PDT

High-throughput biomarker profiling in immuno-oncology research & development

Sponsored by: MilliporeSigma


Soluble cytokine biomarkers are the master regulators of cell-to-cell communication-- the means by which one cell tells another what to do or where to go. Determining the biomarker signatures of immune cell populations reveals essential insights into cellular functions, for example, when probing new immuno-oncology targets or investigating treatment responses in patients. This webcast will illustrate how biopharma researchers are using the multiplex Luminex® platform in a high-throughput manner to accelerate immuno-oncology discovery research from target discovery through preclinical development. A focus will be on novel soluble checkpoint panels, the integration of biomarker data with other analytics platforms, and strategies to handle large multiplex datasets from dozens of different programs.

Learning Objectives:

1. Benefits of using multiplexed biomarker profiling from early to late stages of an immuno-oncology discovery project

2. Generating high quality discovery data using multiplex protein detection assays

3. How biomarker data helps solidify target biology and targeting rationale

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