Leadership and advanced nursing practice


Chair: Gillian Chumbley, United Kingdom
Advanced nursing roles in pain management
Rianne Van Boekel, Netherlands
Pain management is complex, and demands interacting on several dimensions. To practice high standard nursing pain care, nurses are professionals with vision, leadership, knowledge and skills and a huge amount of tenacity. All nurses start at the basic nursing practice and develop from there. Advancing practice is a continual developmental process which involves refining knowledge and skills to provide the precursor for advanced level practice in a systematic progression of individual professional and personal development. This is more than simply acquiring experiental knowledge of academic qualifications. It is a process of continuing professional development utilising research, further education, leadership and clinical practice, all of which culminate in a practitioner who is able to challenge and change professional boundaries, attain professional maturity and achieve higher levels of autonomy, thereby integrating knowing and doing.

In this lecture participants are stimulated to identify specific competencies fitting advanced nursing roles in pain management, summarized in advanced clinical reasoning, evidence based practice and quality improvement. Examples will be discussed.
Leading and developing others
Gillian Chumbley, United Kingdom
Building a network or building your career and professional development
Felicia Cox, United Kingdom
Collaboration is the key to building networks. Not everyone is outgoing and confident to make new connections or to put their hand up. Everyone’s journey started somewhere. We weren’t born nurses let alone a specialist nurse working at an advanced practice level.

Let’s begin where we are with what you already possess. This might be an interest in pain. It might be a passion for pain. You need to spread your net. Learn from others. Get engaged in a local group within your institution perhaps as a link nurse to the specialist team. Explore the EFIC nurse curriculum and identify any gaps in your knowledge. Reflect on how you can meet your education and training needs – this might be shadowing a colleague, attending webinars or courses.
You can then spread your net wider to a local group or network. Tap into your existing contacts and see if they can offer you their experience or support to develop your knowledge and skills. Consider using social media to your advantage. There are many regional and national pain groups you can follow. Make sure your profile reflects who you are; a nurse, interested/working in pain; acute/persistent/cancer/procedural for example. Reach out to others with similar interests and comment on new publications.

If you are interested in writing for publication, you can approach journal Editors to express an interest in undertaking peer reviews. You will gain skills, knowledge and develop your confidence. And build your network and career.

You will then be in a position to tell others about the innovations you have made in practice. What began with your local network, could blossom into your national IASP Chapter and IASP. The world of pain is your oyster. You are the pearl.

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