MAR 22, 2023 7:30 AM PDT

Panel Presentation: Lab Automation - Taking Lab Digitization To The Next Level with Live Q&A

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Are you working for your data or are your data working for you? Over the last decade or so, labs have made the move from paper lab notebooks to digital laboratory platforms (DLPs). This is a great step forward in terms of search-ability, security, and compliance. However, digitization doesn't necessarily lead to improved workflows. In cases of partial or fragmented digitization, new inefficiencies can be introduced that negate any possible benefits.

An automated lab has all of its bits and pieces talking to each other and working together. It's cohesive and connected. It's robust and less prone to errors. It's efficient. And it's also within easy reach for any size lab and with any budget.

There are many reasons to elevate your digital lab platform, but here are 3 key points to highlight when automating your processes:

1. Reproducibility - As one of its central features, automation engenders sameness. Automated work is performed and data are captured the same way, across team members and through time. Automation also reduces the chances to introduce human error in data capture or analysis. This leads to greater reproducibility.

2. Efficiency - When it comes to working smarter and not harder, automation is the next logical step from digitization. Reduce repetitive tasks and manual entry so you can spend more time creating data and less time managing data. Use AI, voice enable your processes, integrate devices and barcodes... the possibilities are endless!

3. Expandability - The research you perform today may not be the same work you undertake in a year or five. Digital lab platforms must, at their core, be designed to grow and change, keeping pace with your evolving organization. Labs shouldn't fall into the trap of automating at the expense of increased rigidity and greater barriers to change.

Learning Objectives:

1. Discuss the basics of lab digital automation strategy.

2. Discover the various stages of automation.

3. Discuss example automation workflows.

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