MAR 16, 2023 10:00 AM PDT

Webinar: Setting the Precedent for Artificial Intelligence and Full Laboratory Automation

Sponsored by: COPAN Diagnostics

Event Date & Time
Date:  March 16, 2023
Time: 10:00am (PDT),  1:00pm (EDT), 7:00pm (CEST)

COPAN Diagnostics is pleased to release presentations given at an event held during ASM Microbe 2023.  During this popular live event guests learned about the benefits of using technology for improved laboratory results and faster turnaround times.  Due to the popularity of the event, requests flooded in for a transcript of the presentation and now you can access these presentations along with live discussion Q&A with the presenters! 

HNL Lab Medicine Dr. Caitlin Murphy shares her experiences at HNL Lab Medicine. HNL Lab Medicine is a leading multi-regional, full-service medical laboratory based in Allentown, PA, with over 20 years of experience providing testing services to various healthcare facilities.  

Learn about HNL’s decision to bring automation into the Microbiology laboratory and the improvements since implementation. Dr. Murphy will also discuss studies on the use of COPAN’s Colibrí™ system, an in vitro fully automated specimen workup platform designed to prepare MALDI-TOF ID targets and create bacterial suspensions for antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST). 


Quest Diagnostics 
Dr. Kileen L. Shier examines automation experiences at Quest Diagnostics, the world’s leading provider of diagnostic information services, serving one in three adult Americans and half of the physicians and hospitals in the United States each year.  

Dr. Shier discusses the impressive multi-line WASPLab® systems at two Quest locations which process thousands of samples daily. The two laboratory sites utilize PhenoMATRIX®, an artificial intelligence software with a highly sophisticated algorithms, to pre-assess and sort culture plates and segregate bacterial cultures, helping laboratories address staff shortages and run more efficiently.  


COPAN Diagnostics 
Finally, Dr. Susan Sharp, COPAN’s Scientific Director, will unveil Radian®, a new system designed to fully automate Kirby-Bauer AST setup, plate incubation, imaging, and interpretation.  Dr. Sharp will present recent studies on Radian®.  

Learning Objectives:
  • Discuss new updates in automated digital microbiology and artificial intelligence 
  • Describe the challenges facing the laboratory which are driving the need for automation
  • Review current experiences, research, and data regarding the performance and accuracy of automated disk diffusion susceptibility testing and artificial intelligence and automation in the Microbiology lab
Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event.
Labroots is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. By attending this webinar, you can earn 1 Continuing Education credit once you have viewed the webinar in its entirety.

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