DATE: March 28, 2018TIME: 10:00am PDT, 01:00pm EDTPrimary cells are derived from various tissues typically via dissection, enzymatic dissociation, and subsequent culture in media specif...
Date: June 3, 2021 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT), 5:00pm (CEST) Molecular combing provides unbiased quantification and characterization of DNA structure and dynamics by imaging single DN...
The downstream processing of virus particles, vesicles, RNAs, plasmids and other forms of DNA, contains multiple interdependent steps, each requiring optimization for best results. This webi...
Date: September 29, 2022 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT), 3:00pm (CET) The global burden of candidiasis remains relatively stable. However, the epidemiology of the last ten years shows a shi...
Date: Apri 19, 2021 Time: 8:00am PDT, 5:00pm CEST Since the inception of modern biological research, BioSafety has evolved into a critical consideration in Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). Wi...
Date: April 15, 2021 Time: 8:00am PST Stem cell’s unique properties confer them a multitude of potential applications in the fields of cellular therapy, disease modelling and drug scre...
Germline cancer genetics became a reality with the cloning of the tumor suppressor gene RB1 for hereditary retinoblastoma in 1986 by Friend and Weinberg. The existence of cancer susceptibili...
Date: December 10, 2021 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00am (EDT) In the past decade, the development of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) technology has transformed the paradigm of me...
Learn how you can increase the repeatability and traceability of your work by elevating your pipetting game. In this webinar, we will go through what the latest developments in pipette desig...
Our ability to view and alter biology is progressing at an exponential pace -- faster even than electronics. Next generation sequencing can be used to assess inherited, environmental and epi-...