Learn about the latest medical breakthroughs by participating in webinars on topics surrounding disease, prevention and treatment in accordance with the latest research in health and medicine. Updates encompass a biological, psychological and sociological understanding of health.
It is increasingly recognized that the genetic background (i.e., all genomic sequences other than the gene(s) of interest) can have profound influences on the phenotype of an animal model. I...
Every day, vast amounts of healthcare data are collected from clinical trials as well as real world medical visits on patient treatment regimens and subsequent clinical outcomes. This big dat...
Informatics and internet are widely accepted tools in education and research. In the past decades new teaching and learning strategies have been developed and implemented. E-learning was def...
Melanoma, a cancer of pigment-producing cells, accounts for nearly 200,000 new cases of cancer reported each year worldwide. It is the deadliest skin cancer. Alarmingly, in the U.S., the inci...
Genetic diseases are known occur due to various types of mutations in the human genome. The molecular assays to diagnose these diseases have been developed based on the type of mutation comm...
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:1. Enhanced audience understanding regarding the controversy surrounding prostate cancer screening using the PSA blood test and use of the American Uro...
Monitoring the health of laboratory rodents is an important tool for improving the quality of animals used in research. However not all animal facilities have the same requirements, and an ex...
DNASTAR offers an integrated suite of software for accurate assembly, alignment, and analysis of sequence data from all major next-generation sequencing platforms, supporting key workflows in...
Sean Taylor will be presenting on the following: Title: COVID-19 infection mechanism, rate of infection and tools for testing and monitoring the disease spread Abstract:Since COVID-19 was fi...
Over the past twenty years there has been an accelerated attack on the use of preservatives in cosmetics. This increased scrutiny of preservatives has forced cosmetic companies to change thei...
Early detection of protein biomarkers is critical to the study of human diseases, yet current tools available for low-level protein quantitation do not address all the needs for protein and m...
Cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2018, there were 18.1 million new cases and 9.5 million cancer-related deaths worldwide. With the advancement of next generation seq...
Molecular chaperones help nascent polypeptides fold correctly and multimeric protein complexes assemble productively, while minimizing the danger of aggregation in the protein-rich intracellu...
Most people are familiar with the main bioactive metabolites in Cannabis – cannabinoids and terpenes. The profile of each can be quite complex both in terms of numbers of different spe...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a grip on worldwide health and global economics. Advancing molecular diagnostics is central to the diagnosis and prevention efforts surrounding the de...
Even as COVID-19 vaccines are being deployed around the world, the clinical laboratory will continue to play a major role this year helping to control the pandemic by diagnosing new infectio...
Learning Objectives: 1. Molecular basis of microhaplotypes 2. Informativeness and power of discrimination of microhaplotypes 3. Mixture deconvolution via microhaplotypes...
While TDM is routinely used in a number of medical fields, it has not gained wide utilization in oncology. There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating that current dosing methods based...
A number of elements come into the mix when trying to optimise experimental design. Among these are having clear objectives, setting up valid comparisons, knowing how to avoid bias during the...
In November of 2013 the AHA/ACA jointly proposed new guidelines for the management of hypercholesterolemia, the first full update in over a decade. The charge was to create evidence bas...
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of the most common human herpesviruses, infecting nearly half of the adult population in the US. Vertical transmission can occur during pregnancy, and congenital...
Preservatives have been under attacks by NGO's and their willing accomplishes-the media and the marketers of cosmetics. But with all their science fiction and negative statements, what are t...
Today's presentation will cover the following topics from the perspective of a NYC based Laboratory: What have we learned year to date about CoV-2 and specifically how diagnostic testing...
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are now widely recognized as a clinical symptom of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and research into the microbiome-gut-brain axis is beginning to reveal the i...
Date: September 21, 2021 Time: 8:00pm (PDT), 11:00pm (EDT) While definitive LC-MS/MS methods are well established in confirmatory testing protocols, drug screening is still performed by pres...
Join our webinar where we will highlight key features of the NovaSeq™ X series including technology innovations, product updates, and features of the on-board DRAGEN™ secondary a...