26 Nov, 2014 | by Labroots

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? Activate the molecular machinery

Researchers at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, Calif, have repaired injured hearts in mice by reviving long-inactive molecular machinery in the animals’ cells, which may lead to new therapies for human heart ailments. The mice exhibited dramatic improvement in heart regeneration and healing after the researchers blocked four molecules believed to suppress these programs for regenerating organs. The...... Read More

25 Nov, 2014 | by Labroots

Researchers Find Genetic Risks for Many Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases that affect millions of people—including  type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis,  and asthma—which mystifyingly cause the immune system to damage tissues in our bodies, may harbor a complex genetic component, a new study finds. This discovery could prompt better diagnosis and someday, better treatment options. A team of scientists from UC San Francisco,...... Read More

07 Nov, 2014 | by Labroots

The Road from Down Syndrome to Alzheimer’s Disease

Given my sister’s history, I often wished she had Down syndrome. I’m sure that sounds odd, but when I was a kid, not to me. Jill was found to have Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS), a genetic disorder that bestows odd facial features and a small head, small stature, profuse body hair, heart problems, difficulty with eating, and often, interpersonal challenges and delayed development. Jill’s...... Read More

06 Nov, 2014 | by Labroots

Studies on Potential Pandemic Pathogens Put on Pause

A new wrinkle in federal funding for disputed gain-of-function studies (GOF) in which pathogens are modified to make them lethal or easier to transmit—the White House is putting funding on hold while experts craft a government-wide policy for evaluating the risks. The funding “pause,” says a White House blog (from the Office of Science and Technology Policy), would pertain to new studiesthat...... Read More

05 Nov, 2014 | by Labroots

Cure for Type 1 Diabetes in Reach?

Researchers seeking a cure for Type 1 diabetes may be a giant step closer to the prize. For most people with this chronic condition, the immune system goes awry, destroying insulin-producing (islet) cells in the pancreas. When a substantial number of these cells are wiped out, little or no insulin is produced. With no insulin to allow glucose into the cells, sugar accumulates in the bloodstream, jeopardizing...... Read More

17 Oct, 2014 | by Labroots

Emory Students Develop Test for Ebola Virus

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1.4 million people could contract the Ebola virus by January. In West Africa alone 2,800 lives have been lost to the dreaded disease. For two students at Emory University in Atlanta, the problem was even more real.  Ambulances went by their biology classroom to transport three Ebola patients for treatment at the university’s hospital, and CDC...... Read More

15 Oct, 2014 | by Labroots

A Whale of a Comeback

With all the doom and gloom about climate change and vanishing species, it’s sometimes nice to hear about an environmental success story. Here’s one. According to recent research from the University of Washington, the California blue whale population is back to near historic levels. Once hunted nearly to extinction, this is the only population of blue whales to have recovered. Today the population...... Read More

13 Oct, 2014 | by Labroots

Train Your Brain to Lose Weight

Please take these carrots away. I can’t stop eating them! Do you think you might ever say that? Or will that statement always only apply to chips? A study published recently in Nutrition & Diabetes indicates that you might be able to train your brain to like healthy foods instead of unhealthy ones. Scientists at Tufts University and Massachusetts General Hospital studied 13 overweight adults, eight...... Read More

10 Oct, 2014 | by Labroots

Qualities That Make for Must-Watch TV May Boost Risk of Alzheimer’s in Women

For those of you who don’t subscribe to The Hollywood Reporter, I’m going to synergize vital news you may have missed with a longitudinal study shared by a professional society of neuroscientists. First, THR. In January, the entertainment trade pub reported the Bravo cable network’s “Real Housewives” franchise hit an all-time high (marking the most-watched night in the network’s 33-year...... Read More

09 Oct, 2014 | by Labroots

Synthetic Vitamin D the Missing Link in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment?

Researchers from the Salk Institute, La Jolla, Calif, have found that a manmade derivative of vitamin D caved-in the seemingly impervious wall of cells barricading pancreatic tumors, cleaving a gap in which to pump cancer-fighting drugs. The findings, from animal studies, have led to human trials. The dismal five-year survival rate for this type of cancer—lowest among all cancers—may be linked...... Read More