02 Sep, 2014 | by Labroots

Flipping a Switch to Drop the Pounds

Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in La Jolla, California have found a way to “switch on” a calorie-burning process in brown fat cells. The study, which was reported on in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences looks at a process known as “brown fat thermogenesis.” Most of our fat cells are “white fat” cells used for storing fat in reserve for when energy...... Read More

21 Aug, 2014 | by Labroots

Penn Medicine Neuropathologist Receives Doris Duke Grant to Study Brain Disorders

Edward B. Lee, M.D., Ph.D, an assistant professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, has received a three-year Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA) for $486,000 from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation to support his research in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Lee...... Read More

19 Aug, 2014 | by Labroots

New Computer Chip Mimics Brain Function

IBM has developed a radically different computer chip whose architecture seeks to mimic that of the brain. A prototype was first built in 2011 based on designs from a monkey brain. It simulates the functions of neurons and synapses. The chip took 10 years to develop and relied on $53.5 million in funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Unlike conventional chips, this new...... Read More

13 Aug, 2014 | by Labroots

ElMindA Announces FDA Clearance of BNA™ Analysis System

ElMindA Ltd. of Herzliya, Israel, announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the company's BNA™ Analysis System for the assessment of brain function.  Brain Network Activity (BNA™) combines non-invasive, multi-channel EEG technology with sophisticated signal processing and analysis algorithms to measure patterns of brain networks activated during specific...... Read More

11 Aug, 2014 | by Labroots

How Do You Face Up to Negotiations?

Many research studies have shown that what we look like affects what other people think of us and can influence our material well-being. Some of these findings are not very surprising. Tall people make more money than shorter people. Blonde women can have an advantage over other women even if they have less education.  The most attractive people make about$246,000 more over the course of their lifetimes...... Read More

04 Aug, 2014 | by Labroots

Take a Chip and Call Me in 16 Years

Back in 1993 John Santini, an undergraduate at the University of Michigan inspired by a presentation given by MIT professor Michael Cima, started to develop the idea of storing tiny doses of medicine in a chip like those found in electronic devices and then using an electronic signal to release the medicine over months or years. This idea became the basis for the Lexington, MA-based company, MicroCHIPS....... Read More

24 Jul, 2014 | by Labroots

A Missile Detector that can stop Malaria?

What can we do with a retired anti-tank Javelin missile-detector? Apparently we can use it to identify malaria parasites in blood. The detector is meant for sensing Javelin heat-seeking missiles and contains a focal plane array that gives specific information on a target area in minutes. Research published in the journal Analyst shows that this same technology works well in identifying malaria parasites...... Read More

22 Jul, 2014 | by Labroots

Some Day a Simple Blood Draw Could Help Personalize Cancer Treatment

A paper by Massachusetts General Hospital researchers that was recently published in Science, revealed a method that with a simple blood draw, could allow personalized treatment of a patient’s cancer.  In this method a blood sample is taken and the cancer cells are isolated, placed in a laboratory dish, and experimented with to find which drugs work best to inhibit the growth of tumor cells in the...... Read More

15 Jul, 2014 | by Labroots

New Approaches Needed to Speed up New Drug Development

Scientific advances are bringing the time closer to when personalized approaches will become more common in treating illnesses. Medicines would take into account the patient’s history, disease risk and pathology and be tailor-made to be most effective for that specific patient. But, slowing the developments of these therapies is today’s clinical trial process, which has fallen behind scientific...... Read More

11 Jul, 2014 | by Labroots

Resetting Your Internal Clock with Diet

Our internal biological clock (or circadian clock) plays an important role in regulating the daily rhythms of human behavior and biology. The human circadian clock enables maximum expression of genes at appropriate times of day to help the body adapt to the earth’s rotation. Desynchronization of the clock with the environment can affect physiological performance as well as increase risk of certain...... Read More